This route winds its way, initially, among the dense fir and larch woods to then arrive at the panoramic pastures at altitude, a paradise of flora. At the Malga La Busa, by now abandoned, there is a true natural garden of flowers and balsamic herbs. By following this path and observing the site of incomparable beauty, we are fascinated and astounded by the great life lesson that the silent and humble nature unveils in front of our eyes.
The blue of the lake evokes legendary figures. The fairies that populated the nearby caves, lived in perfect harmony with the mountain people of the time, through a pact that ensured that no one sought to discover the secret that they held safe in the deep slit of Mt. Alto. One A sad night some young shepherds broke the pact and, driven by great curiosity, boldly dropped into the dark caves, dreaming of the enormous riches hidden within. The fairies were alerted to their presence and, enraged, they magically locked the body and soul of those unlucky youths in the rocks that surround the lake. The long search for the shepherds and the agonising cries of loss of their mothers were all to no avail. From that night on the fairies of the Léc Dei Giai and the secrets of the caves were heard of no more
In the 1980s groups of speleologists from Belluno and Trieste attempted to reach the bottom of these caves, but gave up after 600 m. of awesome descent!